Do you anticipate lessening joint pain? Our joint pain specialist uses the most cutting-edge treatments for persistent issues. Epione is a highly specialised pain management business that provides excellent, all-inclusive pain management services and is revolutionising pain treatment. benefits of our treatment. Rapid pain relief, no surgical treatment, 30-minute process, OP-based technique, speedy return to work Epione, one of India's premier pain clinics, was created by Dr. Aksa AM, a pioneer in the treatment of pain. Epione Spine and Pain Care Center, one of Kerala's best hospitals for pain management, features a knowledgeable staff of pain specialists who are assisted by physiatrists, neurologists, orthopaedic surgeons, psychologists, and physiotherapists. We are Kerala's top facility for treating muscle discomfort. We are the Best Muscle pain treatment Centre Trivandrum. Do you desire a non-surgical method of pain relief? We offer all you require, including cordial hospitality. Epione helps several different types of joint pain, including shoulder, hip, ankle, neck, wrist, hand, and foot pain.